
I am a software developer for work and fun. I enjoy finding different ways to make an impact whether that is code, teaching, architecting, documenting or the many other various other ways to make a project succeed. Areas of interest that I mesh with technology are fitness, travel, food, and learning.

What technologies do I use?

Different technologies fit different problems, have a look below to see different technologies that I have used and when I like to use them. I have notes some of my quick thoughts below about some technologies I enjoy using.


Flask is a Python microframework that allows a very quick start and allow you to pick and choose plugins when you need them rather than getting everything up front. I find this works better if you are in a situation where you don't need many Django components like with a NoSQL backend, or if its a really simple microservice. Though the lack of opinion can be overwhelming if you are not sure what to choose.


Django is a framework that has the "batteries included". If you need to get something production ready quick or are not sure what you would need. Django is a good choice as they take a lot of decisions for you. This opinionated method really allows you to focus on your deliverables.


SQLAlchemy is database toolkit and ORM. If you are using Flask or other framework other than Django than SQLAlchemy is a good starting point. It is also useful in more ETL like applications do to it being framework agnostic. One of my favorite use cases is when you are not in control of the database that you are accessing. The auto inspect support allows you to inspect and reflect the models and use them with the ORM.

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